
mercoledì 19 febbraio 2020

Bouquet per una sposa

….disposi i lillà intorno alle rose rosse facendole scomparire al centro. Poi avvolsi dei rametti di rosmarino intorno ai gambi; avevo letto in biblioteca che potevano significare <<impegno>> oltre che <<ricordo>>. Il rosmarino era giovane e flessibile e non si spezzò quando lo annotai come un nastro. Per rinforzarlo misi anche un vero nastro bianco e avvolsi il mazzo in carta marrone. << Prime emozioni d’amore, vero amore e impegno>>, dissi porgendoglielo….

Da “Il linguaggio dei fiori” di Vanessa Diffenbaugh,  pag 109

1 commento:

  1. This is how my buddy Wesley Virgin's adventure begins with this SHOCKING AND CONTROVERSIAL video.

    Wesley was in the army-and soon after leaving-he discovered hidden, "SELF MIND CONTROL" secrets that the government and others used to get whatever they want.

    As it turns out, these are the same secrets many celebrities (especially those who "became famous out of nowhere") and elite business people used to become rich and famous.

    You've heard that you only use 10% of your brain.

    Really, that's because most of your brain's power is UNTAPPED.

    Perhaps that thought has even occurred IN YOUR own head... as it did in my good friend Wesley Virgin's head about seven years ago, while riding an unlicensed, trash bucket of a vehicle without a driver's license and $3.20 in his bank account.

    "I'm absolutely frustrated with living payroll to payroll! When will I finally make it?"

    You took part in those types of questions, ain't it so?

    Your success story is going to happen. Go and take a leap of faith in YOURSELF.

    Learn How To Become A MILLIONAIRE Fast
